In our last post we mentioned that Maika had been sick. She had something that affected her digestive system for about a week. During that time she didn't eat much solid food at all, but once she was over it, she had a great appetite. Some of the foods she really likes are: noodles, nato (fermented soy beans), senbei(rice crackers), and fruit. Her favorite fruit is buuwa or more commonly known as, blueberries. The below picture is right after having some blueberries before bed.
Since this post is titled a "A Few Favorites", we will share some others. Maika really likes books. A first, she was quite rough with them, but as she has grown, she has gotten to the point where she doesn't need supervision. Other than the occasional chewing on them, she does real well. Here she is looking at her Bible.Her favorite animals are dogs. She points them out in pictures and when she's out. When she sees one she says, "Row row". Here she is with a figurine that's in our house.
Posing nicely for the camera. Sleeping can be hard on the face when it's a zipper you fell asleep on.As always, thank you for your prayers. We are thankful for what the Lord has done in the past month and look forward to what is ahead.