Monday, October 6, 2008

Shopping, 1st Class, Job Searching & Public Speaking

-Since our last posting, we went shopping at Lalaport (for those of you in the U.S., if you have time to kill, have a look at the mall map and see how many shops you recognize.)
-Sunday we did some public speaking at church. On the first Sunday on the month, after the regular service, the monthly financial report of the church and cafe are shared. After that, there is a time of personal sharing. The pastor calls on individuals to share what the Lord is doing in their life. This Sunday we were called on. Erik spoke and Yoko translated. We were able to share why we are here and how the Lord has been leading and providing for us.
-Yoko is still hard at work looking for a job. Thank you for your prayers. We are trusting in the Lord daily for this.
-Today, Monday, was the first day of school for Erik. There are 12 students in his class: 3 from Thailand, 3 from Taiwan, 3 from China, 1 from South Korea, and 1 from Pakistan. Today he learned how to say はじめまして。わたしはエリック ベントレーです。エリックとよんでください。 アメリカのアリゾナからきました。 2008ねん9がつ3みかにほんにきました。 おやこどんがすきです。どぞよろしくおねがいします。 This is a self introduction with name, where he is from, when he came to Japan and something he likes.

The half way point on the ride with Yoko's dad a couple weeks ago.

1 comment:

Judy Russell said...

Hi Erik and Yoko,

I have been thinking about you---thank you for sending out an email so I could jog my memory while at the computer.

I loved the videos of your Mom's apartment and your church. The service sounds very lively and similar to some services I have been to. 125 people is a lot!

It is great that Yoko's Dad could bicycle with you. What a long trip!

I will pray for the increase of students for Erik and a good job for Yoko, especially graphic design or web page design.

I miss you guys!

My question is: Does Erik do any cooking? Is he learning how to cook the foods listed on this blog?

best wishes,
Judy Russell