Sunday, January 11, 2009

Didn't get to wear a kimono

As a married couple we have had to learn to share with each other; however, Yoko is not so grateful that Erik gave her his cough. She feels okay but sounds bad. As a result, she had to postpone getting dressed up in a kimono, and we weren't able to go to church today. Since we didn't go to church, we had church at home on the Internet. We listened to a good message by Greg Laurie about temptation.
Work and Japanese learning are going well. Erik is improving and communicating about daily things in a basic way. Yoko is now not only teaching English but also Geography and History. At the athletic gym we belong to, we have been enjoying the ofuro they have. An ofuro is a hot tub or bath. In Japan it is not used for bathing, but soaking and relaxing, and in the case of the gym, it is communal. Growing up using an ofuro, Yoko loves it. Erik is learning to enjoy the very hot (for him) water.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys glad to hear your doing good. Things are going great here. Lindsey is due on July 31. Were very excited. Just started throwing some names around, so if you thing of some, even japanese ones that may sound interesting to us, let us know. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Ok just a quick question, I wanted to put the question in another comment just in case you dont want it published in the blog, i totaly understand, well depending on the answer...

So in these baths that are communal... i couldnt help but notice in the diagram it says to remove underware, does that meen everyone goes in naked? If so how was it getting used to that, if "not" then I guess its just like a hot tub or is it?

Anonymous said...

Erik and Yoko,

Happy New Year! I just have placed a big "proposal" to the Calvary Chapel Prescott - a proposal of Mission Trip to Japan 2009 (May - June time frame).

As I hear responses from pastors, I'll let you know the details.

Keep speaking ONLY Japanese, Yoko-San! The entire Hayashibara family agree that was the great idea to make Erik's language improved. Keep going (we back you up, Yoko-San and Oka-San).

We had wonderful Christmas dinner with Erik's dad, mom, and sister Sara!

Shigeo & Kumi (with Kaita and Meg)