Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time Does Get Away

Since we last posted, over two weeks ago (sorry parents and grandparents), things haven't changed much in our daily lives. However, when school (for Erik) and work (for Yoko) are not occupying time, we have managed to find ourselves with not a lot of free time. Erik has subbed as an English teacher several times recently and been involved in PR events at local elementary schools. The PR events are put on by Narita International Airport (20 minutes from us) and are to encourage the students in their English learning. English speakers are brought in, and we interact with the kids in whatever activities the school has set up. These events are usually an hour or two in length and provide a little extra income. Other than the very cold gymnasiums (that's where the events are usually held, and there is no heat in them), the events are fun and seem to be enjoyed by the kids. At one event they asked for our autographs.
Last Saturday Yoko got dressed up in a kimono. It was the first time for Erik to see her in one; he thought she looked beautiful, but then, he always thinks she in beautiful. Click here for a few more kimono pictures.
On Monday Erik didn't have school, so he was able to watch the Super Bowl. He had hoped for a different outcome, but the game was still a lot of fun to watch. We had pancakes for breakfast to make it an all-American morning.
On Saturday the 24th, Erik got to play chauffeur for Yoko's mom, our sister-in-law and our two nieces (Yoko had to work, so she stayed home). Our destination was Herb Island. Erik had fun eating good food and playing with his nieces.
In being here, Yoko has had a chance to get reacquainted with people she hasn't had consistent contact with for quite a while. One of them is her cousin, Keiko. Keiko goes to the same church as we do, and she and Yoko have been able to help support each other through various events since we have been here. It has been a blessing for both of them.

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