Sunday, August 8, 2010

Some Firsts

At the time of this posting, Maika is a full 19 days old. She's not much of a conversationalist yet, but she is a pretty good listener. All members of the family are doing well, a little short on sleep but doing well. Maika is a pretty good night sleeper. She tends to only need 2 feedings during the night. This is something we are grateful for. At least once a day, she goes through a period of time where she doesn't want to sleep. She lays there kicking her legs, waving her hands and making noise. Sometimes there is crying that goes along with it, but it is just a time of being awake that lasts longer than her normal wake time. As a result, when she does get to sleep after this wake time, she sleeps like a rock.
This week Maika did several things for the first time. She walked her dad home after work; she went for a stroller ride, and she went to church. All of these events were approached with some question of how it would go, but it turned out very well. She did great. Yoko has a sling that she puts Maika in when they are going out for a short time. Maika seems to have really taken to the stroller. Erik took her out for an hour and 15 minute walk yesterday while Yoko was at dance class. She didn't cry and slept pretty much the whole time. Today at church she fussed a little bit, but Yoko fed her, and she went to sleep. It is a real blessing, especially for Yoko, that Maika is doing well on going out.
Here are some new pictures. So far, everyone here says she looks like Erik, but we think she is God's unique creation.

1 comment:

Uncle Dean & Aunt Karen said...

Keep the pics coming!! We enjoy them and so glad all is going well for all three of you!! She is absolutely beautiful :)