Saturday, January 8, 2011

Looking Back at Christmas and New Year's

Christmas was two weeks ago, but better late than never on some pictures and a report. Maika's first Christmas was relaxed and peaceful. We went out for Christmas lunch at one of our favorite cafes. In the afternoon, Yoko's brother and his daughters came over. We had dinner and gave them some presents. Yoko's mom told the girls the Christmas story in a way to keep their attention. After they left, we had our present opening time. Erik had a week off from work for New Year's. Sarah came and stayed with us for part of it. New Year's Day itself was spent at church (we have a New Year's Day service). We didn't do anything overly exciting during the holidays, but we enjoyed the time we had together as a family.
Maika opening her first presents (yes, after she tried to eat the paper)

It's not if the clothes fit; it's if they taste good.

Presents from Maika's Grandma and Grandpapa on the left and her Aunt Sharlene and Uncle Phil on the right

Maika's first ornament from Grandma and a pile of things from Sarah

Sarah gave Maika this giraffe; he has been named Jerome, and Maika regularly tries to eat him

We thought you might enjoy seeing a decent family picture after the last one we posted

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